肯尼亚高等法院裁定新的大学筹资模式违宪,停止实施。 Kenya's High Court rules new university funding model unconstitutional, halting its implementation.
肯尼亚高等法院宣布威廉·鲁托总统提出的新的大学筹资模式为违宪和非法,因为它具有歧视性和缺乏公众参与。 The High Court of Kenya has declared the new university funding model, introduced by President William Ruto, unconstitutional and illegal due to its discriminatory nature and lack of public participation. Chacha Mwita法官下令在满足法律要求之前停止执行该模型。 Justice Chacha Mwita ordered a halt to the implementation of the model until legal requirements are met. 这项裁决是在肯尼亚人权委员会和其他人认为该模式不公平地根据经济需要对学生进行分类,并且将许多学生排除在高等教育之外后作出的。 The ruling came after the Kenya Human Rights Commission and others argued that the model unfairly categorizes students based on financial need and locks out many from higher education.