肯尼亚劳工领袖敦促修改宪法, 协助总统实施项目。 Kenyan labor leader urges constitutional changes to aid president's project implementation.
肯尼亚COTU负责人弗朗西斯·阿图里(Francis Atwoli)敦促总统鲁托(William Ruto)审查2010年宪法。 Francis Atwoli, head of Kenya's COTU, has urged President William Ruto to review the country's 2010 constitution. Atwoli认为,现行规定允许个人通过法院质疑和停止政府项目,他说这妨碍了Ruto履行竞选承诺的能力。 Atwoli argues that current provisions allow individuals to challenge and halt government projects through the courts, which he says hinders Ruto's ability to fulfill campaign promises. 他强调需要进行修正,以支持实施国家举措。 He emphasizes the need for amendments to support the implementation of national initiatives.