印度GST理事会削减建筑材料税,但对旧车和某些爆米花种类征税。 India's GST Council cuts building materials tax but raises it on used cars and certain popcorn types.
印度的GST理事会决定减少对某些建筑材料的征税,并增加对废旧汽车的征税。 The GST Council in India decided to reduce the tax on certain building materials and increased taxes on used cars. 他们还根据包装和添加成分对爆米花规定了不同的税率,即普通盐5%,预包装12%,含糖品种18%。 They also set different tax rates for popcorn based on packaging and added ingredients, with 5% for plain salted, 12% for pre-packaged, and 18% for sugar-coated varieties. 有关保险的决定被推迟。 Insurance-related decisions were postponed.