Honey Singh的Netflix Doc清除了长达十年之久的谣言,揭露了他受伤的是他自己,不是Shah Rukh Khan。 Honey Singh's Netflix doc clears decade-old rumor, revealing he injured himself, not Shah Rukh Khan.
Yo Yo Honey Singh 的新 Netflix 纪录片《Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous》澄清了十年前的谣言,即宝莱坞明星 Shah Rukh Khan 在美国巡演期间扇了他一巴掌。 Yo Yo Honey Singh's new Netflix documentary "Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous" clears up a decade-old rumor that Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan slapped him during a US tour. Honey Singh透露,由于压力和不愿表演,他把一个咖啡杯砸在头上,造成自己受伤。 Honey Singh reveals that he injured himself by smashing a coffee mug on his head due to stress and reluctance to perform. 说唱歌手还讨论他与心理健康和吸毒上瘾的斗争。 The rapper also discusses his struggles with mental health and drug addiction. 他热情地谈到了Shah Rukh Khan,称赞他的支持。 He spoke warmly about Shah Rukh Khan, crediting him for support. 纪录片提及他与前妻Shalini Talwar离婚的情况,但细节有限,因为一项不披露协议。 The documentary touches on his divorce from ex-wife Shalini Talwar, though details are limited due to a non-disclosure agreement.