喜剧演员Kapil Sharma在迪拜与社交媒体明星Kamaal R Khan对抗并发生冲突。 Bollywood star Mika Singh reveals comedian Kapil Sharma confronted and clashed with social media star Kamaal R Khan in Dubai.
喜剧演员Kapil Sharma因社群媒体明星Kamaal R Khan(KRK)的评论而不满, 于2012-2013年前后访问KRK的迪拜家与他对峙, Bollywood singer Mika Singh revealed that comedian Kapil Sharma, upset by social media star Kamaal R Khan's (KRK) comments, visited KRK's Dubai home around 2012-2013 to confront him, breaking glasses and causing a disturbance. Rapper Yo Honey Singh还据称在另一起事件中与KRK行为不当。 Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh also allegedly misbehaved with KRK during a separate incident. 尽管存在这些冲突,Mika仍与双方保持着关系,称KRK为儿子。 Despite these conflicts, Mika maintains a relationship with both parties, calling KRK like a son.