一辆垃圾卡车滑入威斯康星州的校车,造成一名学生轻伤。 Garbage truck slides into school bus in Wisconsin, injuring a student with minor injuries.
星期五上午,一辆垃圾车滑入威斯康星州兰开斯特的一辆校车中,一名学生受轻伤。 A student was injured with minor injuries after a garbage truck slid into a school bus in Lancaster, Wisconsin, Friday morning. 这起事故发生在一条被雪覆盖的滑滑路上, 37岁的垃圾车司机在公交车停下来接一个学生时无法及时停车。 The accident occurred on a snow-covered, slippery road when the 37-year-old garbage truck driver couldn't stop in time while the bus was stopped to pick up a student. 司机被指为未能控制该车辆。 The driver was cited for failure to keep the vehicle under control. 两辆车均被赶离现场。 Both vehicles were driven away from the scene.