Dollarama 通过在 “Wall of Shame” 部分销售打折的有缺陷的商品来发展,吸引注重成本的购物者。 Dollarama grows by selling discounted flawed items in a "Wall of Shame" section, attracting cost-conscious shoppers.
Dollarama 是一家受欢迎的加拿大零售连锁店,正在经历显着增长,部分原因是一种被称为“耻辱之墙”的独特营销策略。 Dollarama, a popular Canadian retail chain, is experiencing significant growth, partly due to a unique marketing strategy known as the "Wall of Shame." 这种办法在销售有缺陷或异常质量产品的商店中设有一节,然后以折扣出售。 This approach features a section in stores selling products with defects or unusual qualities, which are then sold at a discount. 这种策略招致价格敏感的购物者寻找交易,尽管面临经济挑战,但有助于公司取得成功。 This tactic appeals to price-sensitive shoppers looking for deals, contributing to the company's success despite economic challenges.