德里高等法院对涉及宗教皈依和自杀指控的律师给予保释。 Delhi High Court grants bail to lawyer tied to case of religious conversion and suicide allegations.
德里高等法院向一名其兄弟被控在北方邦从事宗教皈依和教唆自杀的律师提供了过境预期保释。 The Delhi High Court granted transit anticipatory bail to a lawyer whose brother is charged with religious conversion and abetment of suicide in Uttar Pradesh. 律师寻求保护,以免被捕,因为该案正在另一个州处理。 The lawyer sought protection from arrest as the case is being handled in another state. 法院注意到,针对律师的主要指控是指示其兄弟从该妇女的父亲那里获得一封信,表示不反对不同信仰间的婚姻。 The court noted the main allegation against the lawyer is instructing his brother to obtain a letter from the woman's father, stating no objection to the interfaith marriage. 该案件定于2025年1月9日进行进一步的诉讼。 The case is set for further proceedings on January 9, 2025.