12月20日,Greenville发生车祸,一名司机未能投降,一人受了轻伤。 On Dec. 20, a car crash in Greenville left one person with minor injuries after a driver failed to yield.
12月20日, Darke县Greenville州118号公路发生车祸,一人受轻伤。 On December 20, a car crash on State Route 118 in Greenville, Darke County, left one person with minor injuries. 一辆由埃米尔森·埃尔南德斯 (Emilson Hernandez) 驾驶的 2011 年丰田卡罗拉 (Toyota Carolla) 试图左转进入私人车道,并与唐·斯坦利 (Don Stanley) 驾驶的北行 2002 年本田雅阁相撞。 A 2011 Toyota Carolla, driven by Emilson Hernandez, attempted a left turn into a private drive and collided with a northbound 2002 Honda Accord driven by Don Stanley. Stanley被送往医院,Hernandez没有受伤,但被指为未能投降。 Stanley was taken to the hospital, while Hernandez was not injured but cited for failing to yield. 反应机构包括Darke县警长办公室和当地消防救援队。 Responding agencies included the Darke County Sheriff's Office and local fire and rescue teams.