塞浦路斯愿意帮助消除叙利亚的化学武器,寻找失踪的冲突受害者。 Cyprus offers to help eliminate Syria's chemical weapons and find missing conflict victims.
塞浦路斯外交部长康斯坦丁诺斯·孔博斯已经宣布,塞浦路斯准备帮助消除叙利亚剩余的化学武器,并寻找目前冲突中的失踪人员。 Cyprus's Foreign Minister, Constantinos Kombos, has announced that Cyprus is prepared to help eliminate Syria's remaining chemical weapons and search for missing persons from the ongoing conflict. 这项提议借鉴了塞浦路斯在2013年接待一个清除叙利亚化学武器特派团的经验。 This offer builds on Cyprus's experience in hosting a mission in 2013 to remove Syria's chemical weapons. Kombos还对极端主义团体可能死灰复燃以及需要由叙利亚主导的进程包括库尔德人权利表示关切。 Kombos also expressed concerns about the potential resurgence of extremist groups and the need for a Syrian-led process that includes Kurdish rights.