塞浦路斯总统支持以色列-Hezbollah停火,并表示愿意协助执行停火。 Cypriot President supports Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire, offers assistance in implementation.
塞浦路斯总统尼科斯·克里斯托多利德斯与黎巴嫩总理纳吉布·米卡提讨论了以色列与真主党之间的停火问题,表示支持并协助执行该协定。 Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides discussed the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, expressing support and offering assistance in implementing the agreement. 塞浦路斯作为在该区域具有良好关系的欧盟成员国,愿意提供帮助。 Cyprus, an EU member with good relations in the region, is willing to help. 埃及、约旦和蒂尔基耶还欢迎停火,呼吁国际社会努力结束加沙冲突,确保持久和平。 Egypt, Jordan, and Türkiye also welcomed the ceasefire, calling for international efforts to end the Gaza conflict and ensure lasting peace.