2024年,不列颠哥伦比亚省的资源部门面临锯木厂关闭,但采矿和能源项目却出现增长。 In 2024, British Columbia's resource sector faced sawmill closures but saw growth in mining, energy projects.
2024年,不列颠哥伦比亚省的资源部门出现了各种挑战和增长。 In 2024, British Columbia's resource sector saw a mix of challenges and growth. 林业面临三家锯木厂的关闭,采矿和能源部门蓬勃发展,有两个新的金矿和一个石油管道投入使用。 Forestry faced closures of three sawmills, while mining and energy sectors thrived with two new gold mines and an oil pipeline commissioned. 值得注意的项目包括340亿美元的跨山区管道扩建和14亿美元的里德利岛能源出口融资机制。 Notable projects included the $34 billion Trans Mountain pipeline expansion and the $1.4 billion Ridley Island Energy Export Facility. 此外,160亿美元的C站点水坝开始发电,九个新的风力农场项目获得批准。 Additionally, the $16 billion Site C dam began generating power, and nine new wind farm projects were approved.