巴西禁止X(以前是Twitter)使用儿童数据参与AI, Brazil bans X, formerly Twitter, from using kids' data for AI, citing privacy concerns.
巴西国家数据保护局禁止X(以前是Twitter)使用巴西儿童的个人数据培训AI系统,或与第三方分享该数据,以便开发AI。 Brazil's National Data Protection Authority has banned X, formerly Twitter, from using Brazilian children's personal data to train AI systems or sharing it with third parties for AI development. 该公司为Elon Musk所有,有五天要遵守,10天要相应更新其隐私政策。 The company, owned by Elon Musk, has five days to comply and 10 days to update its privacy policy accordingly. 这一决定突显了人们对人工智能中儿童数据的道德使用日益关注. This decision highlights growing concerns about the ethical use of children's data in AI.