Vittorio Di Murro因在伦敦安排对Jordan Briscoe的致命伏击而被判处25年徒刑。 Vittorio Di Murro sentenced to 25 years for arranging the fatal ambush of Jordan Briscoe in London.
26岁的Vittorio Di Murro因在伦敦北部25岁的Jordan Briscoe的致命伏击中发挥了关键作用,被判处至少25年徒刑。 Vittorio Di Murro, 26, was sentenced to at least 25 years in prison for his key role in the fatal ambush of Jordan Briscoe, 25, in north London. Briscoe被引诱到一个 毒品交易的幌子之下的地方 Briscoe was lured to a location under the pretense of a drug deal. Di Murro安排年轻的同伙加入攻击。 Di Murro arranged for younger associates to join the attack. Briscoe的伴侣Rianne Lucas和母亲Clauette Briscoe描述了对其生活的影响,包括在没有他的情况下抚养他的孩子。 Briscoe's partner, Rianne Lucas, and mother, Claudette Briscoe, described the impact on their lives, including raising his child without him.