32岁的Sabin Manda因2024年3月11日在伦敦格林福德的一次毒品争端期间谋杀Bajram Luli而被定罪。 32-year-old Sabin Manda was convicted for murdering Bajram Luli during a drug dispute in Greenford, London, on March 11, 2024.
Sabin Manda,32岁,因2024年3月11日在伦敦格林福德与毒品有关的争端期间谋杀27岁的Bajram Luli被定罪。 Sabin Manda, 32, was convicted of murdering 27-year-old Bajram Luli during a drug-related dispute in Greenford, London, on March 11, 2024. 尽管声称自卫,但闭路电视录像显示袭击是无缘无故的。 Despite claiming self-defense, CCTV footage showed the attack was unprovoked. 在事件发生后最初失踪的Manda于9月26日被捕并被判有罪。 Manda, who initially went missing after the incident, was arrested and found guilty on September 26. 他定于10月11日被判刑。 He is scheduled for sentencing on October 11. Adam Guttridge警探警探赞扬调查组获取了导致定罪的证据。 Detective Inspector Adam Guttridge praised the investigation team for securing the evidence that led to the conviction.