联合王国拨款16亿英镑,用于修复7M坑洞、加强道路安全和削减汽车修理费用。 UK allocates £1.6 billion to fix 7M potholes, enhancing road safety and cutting car repair costs.
联合王国政府将提供16亿英镑,用于在英格兰修补大约700万个坑洞,解决司机的安全风险和费用问题。 The UK government will provide £1.6 billion to fix approximately seven million potholes in England, addressing safety risks and cost concerns for drivers. 根据区域需要分配的资金旨在改善道路条件和降低车辆修理费用。 Funds, distributed based on regional needs, are aimed at improving road conditions and reducing vehicle repair costs. 政府还计划对街道工程的公用事业公司实行更严格的监管,以尽量减少干扰。 The government also plans stricter regulation on utility companies for street works to minimize disruptions.