英国劳工政府宣布增加5亿英镑的公路维修资金,每年再修建100万个坑洞。 UK Labour government announces £500m road maintenance funding increase to fix additional one million potholes annually.
由雷切尔·里夫斯总理领导的英国劳工政府宣布增加5亿英镑的公路维修经费,每年再修建100万个坑洞。 The UK Labour government, led by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, has announced a £500 million increase in road maintenance funding to fix an additional one million potholes annually. 这项举措旨在解决严重积压的坑坑问题,估计有163亿英镑,这导致汽车保险费用和车辆损坏增加。 This initiative aims to address the severe pothole backlog, estimated at £16.3 billion, which contributes to rising car insurance costs and vehicle damage. 与Swindon一样,地方理事会报告当前的挑战,并呼吁提供更多资金以改善公路质量。 Local councils, like Swindon, report ongoing challenges and call for more funding to improve road quality.