玻利维亚的Shaman人以保护仪式为由,拒绝从侵蚀风险悬崖房屋疏散。 Shamans in Bolivia refuse evacuation from erosion-risk cliff homes, citing protective rituals.
玻利维亚的Shaman人拒绝撤离悬崖顶房屋, 尽管由于气候变化加剧了侵蚀风险, Shamans in Bolivia refuse to evacuate their cliff-top homes despite a government order due to erosion risks exacerbated by climate change. 这些棚屋用于仪式,对艾马拉人具有文化意义,在最近的泥石流之后,这些棚屋处于危险之中。 The shacks, used for rituals and culturally significant to the Aymara people, are in danger after recent mudslides. 撒玛利亚人相信他们的存在和仪式保护他们,他们不愿离开他们的圣地。 The shamans believe their presence and rituals protect them and are unwilling to leave their sacred site.