盐鳕是葡萄牙的圣诞主食, 由于物价上涨和口味变化, 面临不确定的未来。 Salt cod, a Christmas staple in Portugal, faces uncertain future due to rising prices and changing tastes.
在葡萄牙,咸鳕鱼,即“巴卡哈乌”,是圣诞节的主食,在家庭聚会上消费。 In Portugal, salt cod, or "bacalhau," is a Christmas staple, consumed at family gatherings. 该国以食盐鳕闻名,每年购买近55,000吨,其中三分之一在圣诞节前后销售。 The country, known for its salt cod consumption, buys nearly 55,000 tonnes annually, with a third sold around Christmas. 它在16世纪为海员推出,现在雇用了超过2 500人,销售额达到5亿欧元。 Introduced in the 16th century for sailors, it now employs over 2,500 people and generates €500 million in sales. 然而,价格上涨和年轻一代的兴趣下降可能会降低其受欢迎程度。 However, rising prices and younger generations' waning interest may reduce its popularity.