罗得岛同意联邦条款,改善对受国家监护的残疾儿童的照料。 Rhode Island agrees to federal terms to improve care for children with disabilities in state custody.
罗得岛已与联邦政府达成协议,以解决违反联邦残疾法、涉及受国家照料的儿童的问题。 Rhode Island has reached an agreement with the federal government to address violations of federal disability laws involving children in state care. 美国检察官办公室发现,数百名儿童尽管准备出院,但仍被关在精神病院。 The U.S. Attorney's Office found that hundreds of children were kept in psychiatric hospitals despite being ready for discharge. 这项解决方案如获批准,将需要罗得岛岛制定一项社区支助计划,并在今后五年内执行。 The settlement, if approved, will require Rhode Island to create a plan for community-based supports and will be enforceable over the next five years.