身体健康不佳使得大脑显得更老,而健康的生活方式使他们年轻,研究显示。 Poor vascular health makes brains appear older, while healthy lifestyles keep them youthful, study shows.
对739名70岁的人进行的一项研究发现,与糖尿病和中风等病症有关的不良血管健康是与年龄较长的大脑联系在一起的。 A study of 739 people aged 70 found that poor vascular health, linked to conditions like diabetes and stroke, is associated with an older-looking brain. 与此相反,健康生活方式和定期锻炼与较年轻的大脑相关。 In contrast, a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise correlates with a younger-looking brain. 研究者利用人工智能从磁共振扫描中估算大脑年龄,强调改变生活方式对于支持大脑健康和复原力的重要性。 Researchers used AI to estimate brain age from MRI scans, highlighting the importance of lifestyle changes to support brain health and resilience.