尼日利亚启动工业园,每年削减进口摩托车零部件支出1 900万美元。 Nigeria launches industrial park to cut $19 million spent annually on imported motorcycle parts.
据国家汽车设计和开发委员会(NADDC)称,尼日利亚每年用于进口摩托车零部件的开支约为1 900万美元。 Nigeria spends about $19 million annually on imported motorcycle spare parts, according to the National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC). 为了减少这一开支,由总干事Joseph Osanipin领导的NADDC正在与国际组织合作,创建Nnewi汽车工业园。 To reduce this expense, NADDC, led by Director-General Joseph Osanipin, is partnering with international organizations to create the Nnewi Auto Industrial Park. 该园区将通过提供共享设施和资源,支持当地制造商。 This park will support local manufacturers by providing shared facilities and resources. 此外,NADDC正在努力恢复当地的轮胎和电池生产,以减少对进口的依赖,提高非洲大陆自由贸易区下的竞争力。 Additionally, NADDC is working to revive local tyre and battery production to lessen reliance on imports and boost competitiveness under the African Continental Free Trade Area.