尼日利亚发起200亿奈拉基金, 帮助消费者购买当地车辆, 刺激经济。 Nigeria launches N20 billion fund to help consumers buy local vehicles, boosting the economy.
尼日利亚政府已启动200亿奈拉消费信贷基金, 帮助尼日利亚人购买当地制造的汽车, 目的是刺激经济, 支持汽车工业。 The Nigerian government has launched a N20 billion consumer credit fund to help Nigerians buy locally-made vehicles, aiming to boost the economy and support the automotive industry. 该倡议由CrediCorp和NADDC牵头,包括计划为信用历史丰富的消费者提供一位数的利率。 The initiative, led by CrediCorp and NADDC, includes plans for single-digit interest rates for consumers with strong credit histories. 该基金以汽车、三轮车和摩托车等车辆为目标,是促进当地工业和经济增长的更广泛努力的一部分。 This fund targets vehicles like cars, tricycles, and motorbikes and is part of a broader effort to promote local industries and economic growth.