新汉诺威社区捐赠赠款超过610万美元,用于住房、儿童保育和食物获取等地方举措。 New Hanover Community Endowment grants over $6.1M for local initiatives like housing, childcare, and food access.
新汉诺威社区捐赠基金提供了610多万美元的赠款,以支持新汉诺威州的各种倡议,包括经济适用住房、儿童保育、课外方案和获得营养食品。 The New Hanover Community Endowment has awarded over $6.1 million in grants to support various initiatives in New Hanover County, including affordable housing, childcare, afterschool programs, and access to nutritious food. 主要赠款包括197万美元用于为二年级学生提供游泳课程,116万美元用于为粮食无保障家庭提供全套服务的杂货店,112万美元用于改善当地种植的食品的供应。 Major grants include $1.97 million for swim lessons for second-graders, $1.16 million for a full-service grocery store for food-insecure families, and $1.12 million to improve access to locally grown foods. 这些投资旨在促进对社区产生长期的积极影响。 These investments aim to foster long-term positive impacts on the community.