Netflix 确认在 2025 年推出《你》的最后一季,而《告诉我谎言》和《索尼克》将续订。 Netflix confirms final season of "You" in 2025, while "Tell Me Lies" and "Sonic" get renewed.
Netflix已经证实 第五个也是最后一个季节的"你" 以宾恩·巴德格利为主的"你" 将于2025年发行 Netflix has confirmed that the fifth and final season of "You," starring Penn Badgley, will release in 2025. Hulu的"告诉我谎言"已经延长了第三个赛季, 就在2季决赛结束后两个月。 Hulu's "Tell Me Lies" has been renewed for a third season, just two months after the season 2 finale. 派拉蒙(Paramount)也在继续拍摄第四部电影, 杰夫·福勒(Jeff Fowler)回任导演, 本·施瓦茨(Ben Schwartz)和吉姆·卡雷(Jim Carrey)则反覆扮演他们的角色。 Paramount is also moving forward with a fourth "Sonic the Hedgehog" movie, with Jeff Fowler returning as director and Ben Schwartz and Jim Carrey reprising their roles.