索尼克:刺电影系列确认第四部电影,定于2027年春季上映. The Sonic the Hedgehog film series confirms a fourth movie, set for release in Spring 2027.
索尼克·赫奇霍克电影系列将继续进行第四部,预定于2027年春季发行. The Sonic the Hedgehog film series is set to continue with its fourth installment, scheduled for a Spring 2027 release. 最新电影《索尼克 3》有望在票房上表现出色,前两部电影的成功票房收入超过 7.25 亿美元。 Sonic 3, the latest movie, is expected to perform well at the box office, following the success of the first two films, which have grossed over $725 million. 虽然关于"索尼克·赫奇霍克4"的剧情和演员的细节尚未公布,但即将上映的电影是"帕拉蒙影业"扩大特许经营权的战略的一部分. While details about the plot and cast for Sonic the Hedgehog 4 are not yet disclosed, the upcoming film is part of Paramount Pictures' strategy to expand the franchise.