Nebraska QB Dylan Raiola通过访问学校踢足球满足了四年级学生的愿望。 Nebraska QB Dylan Raiola fulfilled a 4th grader's wish by visiting his school to play football.
内布拉斯加州四分卫迪伦·拉伊奥拉 (Dylan Raiola) 访问了他们的学校,以实现一名四年级学生与他一起玩接球的圣诞愿望,这让路易斯维尔小学的学生感到惊讶。 Nebraska quarterback Dylan Raiola surprised Louisville Elementary students by visiting their school to fulfill a 4th grader's Christmas wish to play catch with him. Raiola花时间踢足球、阅读和签署签名, 赢得警监Kolin Haecker的赞美。 Raiola spent time playing football, reading, and signing autographs, earning praise from Superintendent Kolin Haecker. 与此同时,Huskers 将在纽约市参加他们八年来的第一场碗赛——12 月 28 日对阵波士顿学院的 Pinstripe Bowl。 Meanwhile, the Huskers are set to play in their first bowl game in eight years—the Pinstripe Bowl against Boston College on December 28th—in New York City.