内布拉斯加州对阵辛辛那提的 2025 赛季揭幕战移至堪萨斯城的箭头体育场。 Nebraska's 2025 season opener against Cincinnati moves to Kansas City's Arrowhead Stadium.
内布拉斯加州大学将于8月28日在堪萨斯市箭头体育场对辛辛那提开放其2025年的足球赛季。 The University of Nebraska will open its 2025 football season against Cincinnati at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City on August 28. 该游戏原计划在辛辛那提的校园进行,后来搬到印第安纳波利斯,然后抵达堪萨斯城。 The game, originally planned for Cincinnati's campus, was moved to Indianapolis before landing in Kansas City. Nebraska的体育总监Troy Dannen赞扬这一举动, Nebraska's Athletic Director, Troy Dannen, praised the move, noting it gives fans a short trip option. 开球时间和电视网络将在稍后确定,机票将在酋长网站和票务站上提供。 The kickoff time and TV network will be determined later, and tickets will be available through the Chiefs' website and Ticketmaster. 此外,这两个小组还重新安排了今后在2033年9月10日的配对。 Additionally, the two teams have rescheduled a future matchup to September 10, 2033.