密西西比州对失踪的 10周前的A'marion Nason发布警报 被他父亲认为是濒危的 Mississippi issues alert for missing 10-week-old A'marion Nason, believed endangered by his father.
密西西比州为10周的A'marion Nason发出失踪和濒危儿童警报,据报他的父亲31岁的Anthony Mitchell带走了A'marion Nason。 A Missing and Endangered Child Alert has been issued in Mississippi for 10-week-old A'marion Nason, reportedly taken by his father, 31-year-old Anthony Mitchell. 当局相信A'marion有危险,因为他需要定期药物治疗。 Authorities believe A'marion is in danger as he requires regular medication. 米切尔最后一次被发现穿着白色耐克鞋、黑裤子、黑衬衫和黑帽子。 Mitchell was last seen wearing white Nike shoes, black pants, a black shirt, and a black cap. 这名儿童最后一次出现在Holcomb社区的鲍威尔公路上。 The child was last seen on Powell Road in Holcomb Community. 任何有情报的人 都应该联系格林纳达郡警长办公室 Anyone with information should contact the Grenada County Sheriff's Office.