由Stavros Niarchos基金会资助的医疗卡车为边远的希腊岛居民提供免费保健。 Medical trucks funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation provide free healthcare to remote Greek island residents.
医疗卡车已抵达边远的希腊锡基诺斯岛,为居民提供免费保健服务。 Medical trucks have reached the remote Greek island of Sikinos, offering free healthcare services to its residents. 这些流动诊所在斯塔夫罗斯·尼拉科斯基金会的资助下,提供关键的医疗服务,包括妇科检查和牙科服务,每个周末除夏季外都提供这种服务。 Funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, these mobile clinics provide crucial medical care, including gynecological exams and dental services, every weekend outside summer. 该倡议解决了偏远岛屿缺乏医疗保健基础设施的问题,这些岛屿由于海上连接稀少,往往难以获得有限的医疗服务。 The initiative addresses the lack of healthcare infrastructure on remote islands, which often struggle with limited access to medical services due to sparse maritime connections.