肯尼亚警告非政府组织和信仰团体通过外国捐款资助恐怖主义的风险。 Kenya warns NGOs and faith groups of terrorism financing risks through foreign donations.
肯尼亚官员警告非营利和信仰组织注意资助恐怖主义的风险,特别是通过外国捐款。 Kenyan officials have warned non-profit and faith-based organizations about the risk of terrorism financing, especially through foreign donations. 肯尼亚内政首席秘书Raymond Omollo推出的2024年恐怖主义融资风险评估报告强调了这些部门的脆弱性,并建议加强条例和透明度。 The 2024 Terrorism Financing Risk Assessment report, launched by the Kenyan Interior Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo, highlights vulnerabilities within these sectors and recommends strengthening regulations and transparency. 该报告由美国国务院资助,将信仰组织和非政府组织确定为潜在目标,因为它们依赖外国资金,敦促它们审查合作伙伴,改善治理,防止恐怖主义集团利用资金。 The report, funded by the U.S. Department of State, identifies faith-based organizations and NGOs as potential targets due to their reliance on foreign funding, urging them to vet partners and improve governance to prevent exploitation by terrorist groups.