卡纳塔卡政府建议对IIM-B官员就种姓歧视指控采取法律行动。 Karnataka government recommends legal action against IIM-B officials over caste discrimination allegations.
卡纳塔克政府正对印度班加罗尔管理学院(IIM-B)官员(包括其主任)采取行动,处理对Gopal Das副教授的种姓歧视指控。 The Karnataka government is taking action against Indian Institute of Management-Bangalore (IIM-B) officials, including its director, over caste discrimination allegations against associate professor Gopal Das. 公民权利执行局的调查发现了公开披露Das种姓和剥夺平等机会的证据。 An investigation by the Directorate of Civil Rights Enforcement found evidence of public disclosure of Das's caste and denial of equal opportunity. 政府根据《在册种姓/在册部落防止暴行法》建议采取法律行动,尽管IIM-B反驳了这些指控,指出Das因骚扰投诉被拒绝晋升。 The government recommended legal action under the SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act, though IIM-B refutes the allegations, stating Das was denied promotion due to harassment complaints.