James Pualic因谋杀Analyn Osias被判24.5年徒刑。 James Pualic sentenced to 24.5 years for murdering Analyn Osias, a mother of four, in a "cruel and vicious" act.
45岁的James Pualic因谋杀Analyn “Logee” Osias被判处24年6个月的监禁,Osias是4岁的母亲,当着她两个孩子的面杀害她。 James Pualic, 45, was sentenced to 24 years and six months in prison for murdering Analyn "Logee" Osias, a mother of four, in front of two of her children. Pualic在Osias家中杀害她时违反了家庭暴力命令。 Pualic breached a family violence order when he killed Osias at her home. 法官Rita Incerti将谋杀称为“残忍和恶毒”, 强调法律未能充分保护家庭暴力受害者。 The judge, Justice Rita Incerti, called the murder "cruel and vicious" and emphasized the failure of the law to fully protect victims of domestic violence. Pualic在19年后将有资格获得假释。 Pualic will be eligible for parole after 19 years.