Edo州委员会发现了前州长留下的2000亿新元债务和违规现象。 Edo State committee discovers N200 billion debt and irregularities left by former governor.
Edo国家资产核查委员会发现,Godwin Obaseki总督的上届行政当局遗留了2000亿新元的合同债务。 The Edo State Assets Verification Committee has uncovered that the previous administration of Governor Godwin Obaseki left behind a N200 billion debt in contractual obligations. 该委员会由Ernest Afolabi-Umakhihe博士领导,发现存在严重的违规行为,包括滥用动员费、不遵守采购法、以及Radisson酒店和西非博物馆艺术项目的问题。 The committee, led by Dr. Ernest Afolabi-Umakhihe, found significant irregularities, including misuse of mobilization fees, non-compliance with procurement laws, and issues with the Radisson Hotel and Museum of West Africa Arts projects. 该委员会计划在2025年发布一份全面的最后报告,涵盖教育、卫生和农业等部门。 The committee plans to release a comprehensive final report in 2025, covering sectors like education, health, and agriculture.