3 名尼日利亚前州长、9 名前部长及其他公职人员因违反资产申报法正在接受行为准则局的调查。 3 former Nigerian governors, 9 ex-ministers, and other public officials are being investigated by the Code of Conduct Bureau for violating asset declaration laws.
尼日利亚行为准则局 (CCB) 正在调查 3 名前州长、9 名前部长和其他前公职人员违反该国资产申报法的行为。 Nigeria's Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) is investigating 3 former governors, 9 ex-ministers, and other former public officials for violating the country's asset declaration laws. 如果罪名成立,他们可能会面临行为准则法庭的指控,并可能被没收资产,并被禁止担任公职长达 10 年。 If found guilty, they may face charges before the Code of Conduct Tribunal, leading to confiscation of assets and a ban from public office for up to 10 years. 这是中国建设银行为加强执法和解决部分官员不遵守法律问题所采取的新举措之一。 This is part of the CCB's renewed effort to enforce the law and address non-compliance by some officials.