阿塞拜疆和意大利文化部长举行会议,讨论扩大文化合作和遗产保护问题。 Azerbaijani and Italian culture ministers meet to discuss expanding cultural cooperation and heritage preservation.
阿塞拜疆文化部长Adil Karimli在意大利会见了意大利对应方Alessandro Giuli,讨论扩大两国之间的文化合作问题。 Azerbaijani Culture Minister Adil Karimli met with Italian counterpart Alessandro Giuli in Italy to discuss expanding cultural cooperation between the two countries. 他们强调了保护历史和文化遗产的重要性,阿塞拜疆试图利用意大利在恢复方面的专长。 They highlighted the importance of preserving historical and cultural heritage, with Azerbaijan seeking to leverage Italy's expertise in restoration. 会议还讨论了在管理文化中心和组织音乐巡回演出方面可能进行的合作。 The meeting also covered potential collaborations in managing cultural centers and organizing music tours.