一个女人在威斯康辛州偷了一辆面包车,撞上了丰田,两人受伤,被捕。 A woman stole a van in Wisconsin, crashed into a Toyota, injured two, and was arrested.
一名来自华盛顿港的 39 岁女子在威斯康星州马尼托瓦克县偷了一辆白色福特 Transit 面包车,并在无视警方停车命令后撞上了一辆丰田 Rav4。 A 39-year-old woman from Port Washington stole a white Ford Transit Van in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and crashed into a Toyota Rav4 after ignoring police orders to stop. 坠机使丰田的司机和乘客受伤,一名25岁的男子和一名19岁的妇女住院。 The crash injured the Toyota's driver and passenger, a 25-year-old man and a 19-year-old woman, who were hospitalized. 嫌疑人被逮捕并面临多项指控,包括逃离警察和鲁莽危害。 The suspect was arrested and faces multiple charges, including fleeing from police and reckless endangerment. 该事件正在调查中。 The incident is under investigation.