福尔河 (Fall River) 妇女珍妮莎·奎诺 (Janessa Quino) 因在达特茅斯驾驶一辆偷来的汽车并逃离警方逮捕,导致轮胎放气装置被部署。 A Fall River woman, Janessa Quino, was arrested for driving a stolen car and fleeing police in Dartmouth, leading to a tire deflation device deployment.
周五晚上,福尔河 (Fall River) 女子珍妮莎·奎诺 (Janessa Quino) 在达特茅斯带领警方追捕一辆被盗车辆后被捕。 A Fall River woman, Janessa Quino, was arrested on Friday night after leading police on a chase in a stolen vehicle in Dartmouth. 2 月 9 日凌晨 2 点 38 分左右,警方在老西港路 (Old Westport Road) 试图拦截这辆被报告被盗的 2007 款丰田卡罗拉 (Toyota Corolla)。 The 2007 Toyota Corolla, which had been reported stolen, was attempted to be stopped by police at around 2:38 a.m. on February 9 on Old Westport Road. 基诺为了躲避警察而加速,导致轮胎放气装置被部署来阻止车辆。 Quino accelerated in an attempt to avoid police, leading to a tire deflation device being deployed to stop the vehicle. 车子停在海瑟威路 (Hathaway Road) 靠近德风街 (Tradewind Street) 的地方。 The car came to a stop on Hathaway Road near Tradewind Street. 21 岁的基诺被捕,并被指控接收一辆被盗机动车辆、鲁莽驾驶机动车辆以及未停车报警。 Quino, aged 21, was arrested and charged with receiving a stolen motor vehicle, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, and failure to stop for the police.