UW -绿湾的新教练Doug Gottlieb在球队输给密歇根州理工二分局后 面临批评 UW-Green Bay's new coach Doug Gottlieb faces criticism after his team lost to Division II Michigan Tech.
Doug Gottlieb,UW-Green Bay男士篮球队的新总教练, 在其球队在72-70年 被密歇根州理工学院二分校败出后, 面临批评。 Doug Gottlieb, the new head coach of UW-Green Bay's men's basketball team, faced criticism after his team lost to Division II school Michigan Tech, 72-70. Gottlieb先前曾称密歇根技术公司为“Nobody U”, 表示对团队日程表不满。 Gottlieb had previously called Michigan Tech "Nobody U," expressing dissatisfaction with the team's schedule. 这场失利将凤凰队的连败纪录延长到八场比赛,由于这场争议以及与 ESPN 的亚当·谢夫特 (Adam Schefter) 的不和,戈特利布作为主教练的首次亮相一直很艰难。 The loss extended the Phoenix's losing streak to eight games, and Gottlieb's debut as head coach has been rocky due to this controversy and a feud with ESPN's Adam Schefter.