韩国将其外汇互换线扩大至650亿美元,以稳定其贬值的货币。 South Korea expands its foreign exchange swap line to $65 billion to stabilize its falling currency.
韩国中央银行和养恤基金已将其外汇互换额度从500亿美元扩大到650亿美元,并延长一年,至2025年底。 South Korea's central bank and pension fund have expanded their foreign exchange swap line from $50 billion to $65 billion and extended it by a year until the end of 2025. 此举旨在提供流动性并支持韩元,韩元在市场波动中跌至 15 年低点。 This move aims to provide liquidity and support the South Korean won, which has dropped to a 15-year low, amid market volatility. 互换线使养恤基金能够从中央银行的海外投资储备金中借款,帮助稳定货币。 The swap line allows the pension fund to borrow from the central bank's reserves for overseas investments, helping to stabilize the currency.