SEBI实施印度共同基金新规则,设定30天部署期限,加强投资者保护。 SEBI implements new rules for Indian mutual funds, setting a 30-day deployment deadline and enhancing investor protections.
SEBI在印度引入了互助基金新规则。 SEBI has introduced new rules for mutual funds in India. 基金管理人员现在有一个30天的时间表,以部署通过新基金提议(NFOs)筹集的资金。 Fund managers now have a 30-day timeline to deploy funds collected through New Fund Offers (NFOs). 如果在这段时期内没有部署资金,投资者就可以在没有撤离负担的情况下退出。 If funds aren't deployed within this period, investors can exit without an exit load. SEBI还放宽了使AMC雇员的利益与单位持有者相一致的规则,包括降低最低投资、降低披露要求和缩短辞职雇员的锁定期。 SEBI has also relaxed rules for aligning AMC employees' interests with unitholders, including lower minimum investments, reduced disclosure requirements, and shorter lock-in periods for resigned employees. 现在必须披露所有共同基金办法的心理压力测试结果,以提高透明度。 Stress testing results for all mutual fund schemes must now be disclosed to increase transparency.