印度的Sebi更新了共同基金条例,以打击市场滥用做法;建立了举报机制,新规则于11月1日生效。 India's Sebi updates mutual fund regulations to combat market abuse practices; establishes whistleblower mechanism, new rules effective Nov 1.
印度资本市场监管机构Sebi更新了共同基金条例,以加强打击市场滥用做法的措施,如前期交易和内幕交易。 India's capital markets regulator, Sebi, has updated mutual fund regulations to strengthen measures against market abuse practices like front-running and insider trading. 澳监委必须建立体制机制,以发现和防止这些活动,由澳监委管理层负责其效力。 AMCs must establish an institutional mechanism to detect and prevent these activities, with the AMC management responsible for its effectiveness. Sebi还指示AMC公司针对最近涉及Axis AMC公司和LIC公司的案件,实施举报举报机制,举报涉嫌欺诈、不公平或不道德的做法。 Sebi has also directed AMCs to implement a whistle-blower mechanism for reporting suspected fraudulent, unfair, or unethical practices, in response to recent cases involving Axis AMC and LIC. 新规则将从11月1日起执行。 The new rules will be enforced from November 1.