菲律宾报告,由于债务和支出,11月国际收支赤字为2.3B美元。 Philippines reports $2.3B balance of payments deficit in November, due to debt and spending.
2024年11月,菲律宾的国际收支赤字为23亿美元,比上一年和上一月大幅增加。 The Philippines saw a significant balance of payments (BOP) deficit of $2.3 billion in November 2024, a substantial increase from the previous year and month. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas(BSP)将赤字归因于政府为债务和支出提取外汇。 The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) attributed the deficit to government foreign currency withdrawals for debt and expenditures. 尽管如此,该国在今年的累计BOP余仍为21亿美元,尽管低于上一年. Despite this, the country maintained a cumulative BOP surplus of $2.1 billion for the year, though lower than the previous year. 赤字还导致该国国际储备总额在11月底下降到1 085亿美元。 The deficit also led to a decrease in the country's gross international reserves to $108.5 billion by November's end.