由于成本和规划变化,新的安大略省科学中心推迟至2029年开张。 Opening of the new Ontario Science Centre delayed to 2029 due to cost and planning changes.
根据安大略省审计长的审计,安大略省新科学中心的开业被推迟到2029年。 The opening of the new Ontario Science Centre at Ontario Place has been delayed until 2029, according to an audit by Ontario's Auditor General. 中心原定于2028年开张,但较高的费用和建筑计划的改动推迟了完工日期。 Initially, the center was set to open in 2028 but higher costs and changes to the building plans have pushed back the completion date. 这一拖延被视为支持者的失望,他们担心这将影响安大略省青年的科学教育。 This delay is seen as a disappointment by supporters who worry it will affect science education for Ontario's youth.