安大略科学中心因屋顶问题关闭,计划在2028年之前搬迁到安大略省。 Ontario Science Centre closes due to roof issues, planning relocation to Ontario Place by 2028.
安大略科学中心于6月因屋顶结构问题而关闭,引起工人和游客的愤慨。 The Ontario Science Centre closed in June due to roof structural issues, causing outrage among workers and visitors. 它计划在2028年之前搬到一个改造的安大略广场,一些展品将临时存储或在弹出位置展示. It plans to move to a revamped Ontario Place location by 2028, with some exhibits temporarily stored or shown at pop-up locations. 大约10名工人选择了买断,而其他人则对其未来不确定。 About 10 workers have taken buyouts, while others are uncertain about their future.