NRMA警告说,圣诞节前澳大利亚城市的汽油价格会飙升,只有悉尼例外。 NRMA warns of soaring petrol prices in Australian cities before Christmas, with Sydney as the lone exception.
NRMA警告说,圣诞节前澳大利亚首府城市的汽油价格上涨,墨尔本、布里斯班、阿德莱德、珀斯、霍巴特和达尔文的油价已经上涨。 The NRMA warns of rising petrol prices in Australian capital cities before Christmas, with prices already up in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, and Darwin. 悉尼的价格下跌,但全国货币管理局指出,各地区的价格差异很大,每升高达40美分。 Sydney has seen a price drop, but the NRMA notes significant price differences across regions, up to 40 cents per litre. ACCC将这些波动归因于国际石油价格和货币汇率。 The ACCC attributes these fluctuations to international oil prices and currency exchange rates. ACOSS警告说,燃料成本的上涨可能加剧那些收入支助者的财务斗争。 The ACOSS warns that rising fuel costs could exacerbate financial struggles for those on income support.