新西兰的研究显示,汞群岛周围的珊瑚礁系统健康,但捕捞过度。 New Zealand study reveals healthy yet overfished reef systems around the Mercury Islands.
来自奥克兰大学的研究人员已经完成了对新西兰Whitianga东北的汞群岛的全面研究,揭示了广泛而多样的水下珊瑚礁系统。 Researchers from the University of Auckland have completed a comprehensive study of the Mercury Islands, northeast of Whitianga, New Zealand, revealing extensive and diverse underwater reef systems. 这项研究由Waikato区域理事会委托进行,利用潜水器、照相机和卫星图像绘制浅海生境图。 The study, commissioned by the Waikato Regional Council, used divers, cameras, and satellite imagery to map shallow marine habitats. 虽然珊瑚礁看起来是健康的,但捕鱼活动影响到了象鹿角和龙虾这样的主要食肉动物种群,突出表明需要改进海洋管理。 While the reefs appear healthy, fishing has impacted key predator populations like snapper and crayfish, highlighting the need for improved marine management.