新西兰研究人员研究“silvopastoral”农业,以提高复原力、动物福利和生物多样性。 New Zealand researchers study "silvopastoral" farming to boost resilience, animal welfare, and biodiversity.
新西兰Scion研究组织正在领导一个为期三年的项目,探索农林业的好处,重点是在森林环境中放牧牲畜的农牧业系统。 New Zealand's Scion research organization is leading a three-year project to explore the benefits of agroforestry, focusing on silvopastoral systems where livestock graze on pasture within a forest setting. 这一方法旨在增强农场抵御气候变化的能力,改善动物福利,加强生物多样性。 This approach aims to boost farm resilience against climate change, improve animal welfare, and enhance biodiversity. 该项目由初级工业部资助,涉及关于绵羊、牛肉和奶制品农场的讲习班和试验,以确定最佳植树地点并展示该系统的经济和环境效益。 The project, funded by the Ministry for Primary Industries, involves workshops and trials on sheep, beef, and dairy farms to identify optimal tree planting locations and demonstrate the system's economic and environmental benefits.