新罕布什尔州允许达特茅斯卫生公司接管汉普斯特德医院,在州监督下提供儿童精神病护理。 New Hampshire allows Dartmouth Health to take over Hampstead Hospital for child psychiatric care, with state oversight.
新罕布什尔行政理事会投票4-1,允许达特茅斯健康组织接管汉普斯特德医院的业务,该医院是一家为儿童提供住院精神病护理的设施。 The New Hampshire Executive Council voted 4-1 to allow Dartmouth Health to take over operations at Hampstead Hospital, a facility providing inpatient psychiatric care for children. 国家将保留所有权和监督。 The state will retain ownership and oversight. 尽管对新罕布什尔病人的合同保障和监督表示关切,但达特茅斯卫生公司同意在七年内投资1 550万美元,并增加了一项年度国家许可证发放和联合监督委员会的规定。 Despite concerns over contractual guarantees for New Hampshire patients and oversight, Dartmouth Health agreed to invest $15.5 million over seven years and added a provision for annual state licensing and a joint oversight committee.