Kevin Underwood因谋杀一名10岁女孩而被定罪,在他45岁生日时在俄克拉荷马被处决。 Kevin Underwood, convicted of murdering a 10-year-old girl, was executed in Oklahoma on his 45th birthday.
Kevin Ray Underwood45岁生日时在俄克拉荷马州被注射死刑, 2024年在美国的Underwood第25次也是最后一次被处决。 2006年, Kevin Ray Underwood因谋杀10岁的Jamie Rose Bolin而被判有罪, Kevin Ray Underwood was executed by lethal injection in Oklahoma on his 45th birthday, marking the 25th and final execution of 2024 in the U.S. Underwood was convicted of murdering 10-year-old Jamie Rose Bolin in 2006, admitting to luring her into his apartment, beating, suffocating, and sexually assaulting her. 尽管他的律师由于他曾经遭受虐待和精神健康问题而要求宽大处理,但州赦免和假释委员会拒绝了他的请求。 Despite his attorneys arguing for clemency due to his history of abuse and mental health issues, the state's Pardon and Parole Board denied his request. Underwood的法律团队也要求美国最高法院暂缓执行死刑,理由是假释委员会的程序错误,但请求被驳回。 Underwood's legal team also sought a stay of execution from the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing procedural errors by the parole board, but the request was rejected.